Camping: Food Tips That Will Keep Bellies Full

Camping: Food Tips That Will Keep Bellies Full



Whether you’re going camping for the first time or this is old hat to you, it never hurts to learn some new tips when it pertains to eating meals while out enjoying nature. Sure, it would be nice to fish and hunt for every meal, but that simply isn’t practical in many situations. Not to mention the fact that many families and groups simply don’t care to hunt for their own meals. There’s nothing wrong with that. Bringing food along with you is hardly cheating. You’re free to enjoy your outdoor excursion in whatever way you see fit. Here are some tips that will keep your group’s stomachs full.

Prepare in Advance


You want to complete as much food preparation as possible before venturing out the door. Sleeping in a tent may be romantic, but preparing food when surrounded by nothing more than branches and leaves can be a hassle. Do your prep work where you have access to all of the tools you need-your kitchen! Apply any seasonings you want while at home, as it is impractical to bring all of these niceties along with you to the campsite. The fewer containers you can get away with bringing, the better. Camping is much more fun when you aren’t dragging suitcases full of supplies behind you.

Use Your Freezer

If you’re planning to bring foods that are better served cold, you might want to consider freezing them in advance. They will stay cooler for much longer if they are coming down in temperature from a frozen state than if they are just coming out of the refrigerator. Note, however, that you should be careful about bringing anything that will spoil if not refrigerated. This can work if you’re only camping for the night, but any longer than that and you should stick with foods that aren’t going to go bad in a day or two.

Freeze-Dried Goods

If you want to bring both simplicity and a bit of variety to your camping meals, you will want to consider freeze-dried goods. These can last your trip without being refrigerated and they are very easy to prepare when your family is ready to eat. You can find a variety of freeze dried foods at your local military surplus store. Everything from macaroni and cheese to powdered milk can come in handy when you aren’t surrounded by the comforts of home.

Camping in Northwest Florida

is beautiful all year-round, and some of the best campsites in the country can be found at Navarre Beach. Learn more here:


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Camping: Food Tips That Will Keep Bellies Full

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